Campaniling - A Special Family Request

There's a special tradition at Iowa State with the campanile, a clock tower that sits on central campus. The carillon bells ring daily and tradition states that a student officially becomes an Iowa Stater when kissed under the campanile as the carillon tolls midnight. This tradition is called 'campaniling.' When the family arrived for their session, their daughter quickly pulled me aside to let me know her parents had never been campaniling! After all these years, they had yet to kiss under the campanile, to which Susan often gave Brad grief about. So we set out a plan to end the session with a little bit of campaniling. The grandkids fake puked at all the kissing, as you may expect from three young boys, but they quickly joined in to give their own mom a kiss under the campanile after grandma and grandpa, and their own mom and dad were done. It was a perfect way to end the night and a little black and white film made for the perfect medium to capture these romantic and thoughtful moments as the sun quickly escaped the sky.

Congrats on FINALLY being true Iowa Staters, Susan and Brad!